张仕谦:不以盈利为目的的项目都是耍流氓[搜狐新闻报道]/"The projects don’t aim at profit are playing tricks"

发布时间:2016-12-23 18:30

       日前霍恩基金董事总经理张仕谦在第二届汇桔杯南粤知识产权创新创业大赛启动大会上发言说“凡是不以赢利为目标的融资项目,都是耍流氓”,张仕谦表示目前创投市场上不少项目的用户定位不To B也不To C,而是专门To VC,做的一切都是为了融资,甚至有些项目拿了钱并没有用到项目上,令人担心的是这样的情况有逐渐上升的趋势。





Mr. Zhang Shi Qian, managing director of Horn Fund, spoke at the opening ceremony of the Second Huiju Cup South Guangdong Intellectual Property Right Innovation Entrepreneurship Competition that "the projects don’t aim at profit are playing tricks". Mr. Zhang said nowadays, many projects aimed at VC instead of business or customers. They do everything for fundraising.

Fundraising is not the ultimate goal of entrepreneurial projects. Market is one of the important yardsticks of success for the project. Whether end users are willing to pay, whether projects have profit is the ultimate goal of commercial projects. Mr. Zhang said, many entrepreneurs study hard on the projects that "VC like" instead of what customers need, VC tried hard to get rid of these projects.

Mr. Zhang said many entrepreneurs track hot spots and change their industries and projects frequently and they don’t get any investment. He suggested entrepreneurs to follow their heart instead of following hot spots. Even if the project finally failed, you won’t waste your time. In the meanwhile, he said, if you really love your career, the success rate will rise greatly, which will also attract VC to invest.  

Finally, Mr. Zhang blessed that the entrepreneurs can "chase your dreams, be your own hero!"


